giovedì 28 febbraio 2008

Los Angeles Travel

Los Angeles, the attractions of millions of tourists a year, thinking on going to Los Angeles? Well you will need a Los Angeles Travel Guide! The site has information on travel, attraction, hotels and more! If your thinking of travelling to Los Angeles you should definitly check out Los Angeles Travel Guide

Watch Skins Online

Skins, an hit E4/Channel 4 drama, watching it could never be easier, missed it? or just don't have E4? well href="">watch skins online! Its so easy to watch skins, it is set out very simple and you can navigate through it easily. So if you would like to watch skins visit

Information to Know Before Getting a Tattoo

Before you decide to get a tattoo, you should always take a little bit of time to talk to your tattoo artist. When you speak to him, you should be sure to ask questions and find out anything you can about your new tattoo. You should also find out information about his background, and other important bits of information that will assist you in moving forward with your decision. The first thing you should find out is how long the parlor has been in business. This will let you know just how professional the quality of tattoo designs are and the overall reputation for the business. If the tattoo parlor belongs to the Better Business Bureau you can always check their record and see if any complaints have been filed about the business in the last few years. You should also find out about his qualifications. Experience is a must here, as infections and other diseases can easily be contracted if the equipment isn?t clean. Finding out how much experience and qualifications a tattoo artists has will tell you quite a bit about what you can expect from them. You?ll also want to find out if the tattoo studio guarantees their work. In the unlikely event that you don?t like the outcome of the tattoo design, you?ll obviously want it to be fixed. The better studios will fix it without requiring any money. Refund policies are also important, especially if you don?t like the quality or the workmanship of the tattoo. The cost is also very important. Before you decide to get a tattoo or agree to anything, you?ll obviously want to know the full cost. The bigger tattoos can be quite expensive, although even the smallest of tattoos can be expensive as well, especially if you?re on a budget. You can save yourself a lot of time and prevent any type of surprises by knowing the costs upfront. Infection is also something you?ll want to find out about. The better tattoo artists can provide information about how to know if you have an infection and how to prevent them. Asking questions is never a bad thing when it comes to getting a tattoo. If a tattoo artist hesitates to answer any question you ask or acts harshly towards you, you should always leave and find another tattoo artist. Tattoos always have risks and concern, which is why tattoo artists should be more than willing to answer any questions that you may have. Asking questions can help to ease your concern and make you feel better about the artist. It is always best to make sure you write a list of questions before you visit the tattoo parlor.

mercoledì 27 febbraio 2008

Four Wise Men Strolling

There has been a rumour that four wise men of the internet industry has stumblem unto a few blogs that have impressed them unto the effectiveness of Google PR and its response into the modern day blogging arena. The first men stubled upon a Technology & Gadget blog and thought that the design was not as good as most technology blog but it was created for the main reason of getting the latest information on gadgets and technology to the world of the net. But it seems that not that many people were actually visiting the site compared to some other blogs where the design was good but the information lousy. This blog has no PR although it has more than 800 pages on Google and very high PR backlinks. What is the matter here. The second wise men went to a blog about Baby & Parenting and found out that this site is very informative and was created by a person that knows what she is talking about. Yet there are some people from Yahoo Answers that thinks her information is wrong. The blog was built by a professional Nutritionist on Infant products and the commentors that the blog had wrong information were just lay men. What right do they have to say about this blog having wrong information when they themselves had no knowledge on the subject. This blog has a PR 2 for some reason when we think this blog should be at PR 6 or PR 7. The third wise men went to a blog on Pregnancy & Motherhood and found out that this blog although has very few posts is a very straight to the point blog and very informative. It also has a lot of feedback from proffessionals of its same arena. But no PR. The fourth wise men went to a blog on World News and found all the comments that were given by the first 3 wise men and he said that this blog is the most informative of all as it had news of what was happening very fast and brought it to the web. It has multiple high PR backlinks to it and about 2000 pages on Google. This is a site to reckon with. It might be the next Yahoo. But it has no PR as well. What gives. Google does PR update on a very slow motion. Sometimes if your blog is only a few days older than some other blogs it might get a higher PR rating although your blog is better and has much more backlinks. How does Google operate to find out which blogs are good and which are not. We have totally no idea. The four wise men came to a conclusion that the blogs they have seen were the best blogs in their category but with very low PR. On contacting Google and letting them know of their findings Google answered them clearly. Wise Men should know that Patience is the answer to most solutions. Thus although these blogs are very good you would have to wait to the next PR update to see them soar.

Financial Problems? Consider the Sell and Rent Back Option

People find themselves in financial trouble for many reasons. It could be the loss of a job, illness, divorce or another life-changing event. When these events occur they can significantly alter an individual?s ability to make their mortgage payments. However, what individuals need most during times of uncertainty is the one thing that is certain and comforting - their home. So, how can people overcome their financial problems and still remain in their home? The answer is to sell and rent back.
What is Sell and Rent Back?
If you find yourself in this position you are probably wrestling with the serious problem of not being able to continue making mortgage payments whilst desperate to remain in your home. It is also very likely you have thought, ?I need to sell my house fast on multiple occasions. Well, that is exactly what sell and rent back is all about.
This process involves you selling your home to a company that specializes in sell and rent back. Then, the company will rent your home back to you, thus allowing you to stay in your home and avoid all the cost and upheaval of moving your family and belongings to another area or town altogether. This really is the best option for many people because they can remain in their home and get the cash they need very quickly. In addition, many people choose sell and rent back because it allows them to buy their home back in a certain period of time if their situation improves or else to rent indefinitely. So, for those who need cash fast yet who don?t want to move then sell and rent back is the best option available.
Perhaps the best aspect of the sell and rent back process is that it is completely confidential. Your private affairs should remain private and when you take advantage of a sell and rent back offer your personal situation will stay that way unless you choose otherwise.

If you find yourself in a personal crisis and in need of cash then the sell and rent back solution is one that should be considered. It may not be right for everyone, but it is a wonderful option to have.

Want to find out how much Sell-My-House-Fast would offer for your home? Just complete the simple online quick quote form. If you want to have a free, no-obligation chat to find out if Sale & Rent Back is right for your current situation, why not call us on Freephone 0800 804 7456 to see how we can provide you with the security you need UK only.

Using MySpace to Get Noticed as an Artist

Does your band have a MySpace or YouTube page? Do you want to be seen by top record label executives? Are you aware that the # of MySpace plays is the #1 factor for climbing the MySpace music charts?

I know that is a lot of questions, but let me give you ALL the answers.

The answer is DJ-Express.

Let DJ-Express help YOU get more fans, get more views, and ultimately get noticed by record labels and radio stations.

They can help increase MySpace plays, MySpace Profile Views, MySpace Music Plays, MySpace Video Plays, and YouTube plays to help you climb the music charts and get noticed.

Information to Know Before Getting a Tattoo

Before you decide to get a tattoo, you should always take a little bit
of time to talk to your tattoo artist. When you speak to him, you
should be sure to ask questions and find out anything you can about
your new tattoo. You should also find out information about his
background, and other important bits of information that will assist
you in moving forward with your decision.

The first thing you should find out is how long the parlor has been in
business. This will let you know just how professional the quality of
tattoo designs are and the overall reputation for the business. If the
tattoo parlor belongs to the Better Business Bureau you can always
check their record and see if any complaints have been filed about the
business in the last few years.

You should also find out about his qualifications. Experience is a
must here, as infections and other diseases can easily be contracted
if the equipment isn?t clean. Finding out how much experience and
qualifications a tattoo artists has will tell you quite a bit about
what you can expect from them.

You?ll also want to find out if the tattoo studio guarantees their
work. In the unlikely event that you don?t like the outcome of the
tattoo design, you?ll obviously want it to be fixed. The better
studios will fix it without requiring any money. Refund policies are
also important, especially if you don?t like the quality or the
workmanship of the tattoo.

The cost is also very important. Before you decide to get a tattoo or
agree to anything, you?ll obviously want to know the full cost. The
bigger tattoos can be quite expensive, although even the smallest of
tattoos can be expensive as well, especially if you?re on a budget.
You can save yourself a lot of time and prevent any type of surprises
by knowing the costs upfront.

Infection is also something you?ll want to find out about. The better
tattoo artists can provide information about how to know if you have
an infection and how to prevent them.

Asking questions is never a bad thing when it comes to getting a
tattoo. If a tattoo artist hesitates to answer any question you ask or
acts harshly towards you, you should always leave and find another
tattoo artist. Tattoos always have risks and concern, which is why
tattoo artists should be more than willing to answer any questions
that you may have. Asking questions can help to ease your concern and
make you feel better about the artist. It is always best to make sure
you write a list of questions before you visit the tattoo parlor.

martedì 26 febbraio 2008

Private House Sale

Many homeowners opt for a private house sale instead of hiring someone to do the marketing and sales for them. A lot of people feel really connected to their home and they don?t want anyone else to show the home to potential buyers. Other homeowners simply do not want to deal with a realtor, so they choose to do it on their own. There are many benefits to choosing to sell your home this way.
Reasons to Choose Private House Sale
Many people decide to sell their home privately because they want to be in control of the process. For obvious reasons, many people feel very attached to their home and they want to make sure that they showcase the home?s most positive features. When you have lived in a home for any period of time you will know what features the home has and you may even be able to show them off better than a professional would. It?s important though, if you choose to go this route, that you detach just a bit from the home and try to look at the house through a prospective buyer?s eyes.
Other homeowners choose to sell their home privately because they don?t want to deal with a professional. For some people it is really uncomfortable to have a realtor in their home with strangers and because of this they decide to forego dealing with a realtor at all. It is possible to sell a home privately, and many people in and around the UK are very successful at it. As long as you are willing to work around the schedules of others, are able to advertise the home for sale, and are also able to market the positive selling features of the home then you can sell your own home.
Many people will tell you if you want to sell house fast you need to hire a realtor, but this isn?t necessarily true. Being able to sell a home is all about marketing, so if you spend time getting the word out there through street signs, advertisements in newspapers, and on the internet you may find that selling your home privately is easier than you could have ever imagined. Before there were realtors people were buying and selling homes all on their own, so it is possible.
When you sell your UK home privately you will want to make sure you understand the process. There are a lot of great books out there as well as internet sites dedicated to helping homeowners sell their homes privately, even dealing with paperwork and all of the logistics of selling a home. Before the for sale sign goes in the yard or one advertisement goes out, the homeowner should be sure that he or she can diligently handle all of the necessary paperwork. A great thing to keep in mind when selling your home privately is that if you ever feel that you are in over your head a professional is just a phone call away.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

Acne is a skin disorder that is most commonly seen in teenagers, but it can occur in people of any age. Even baby is not free from acne, since many newborns develop a form of acne soon after birth due to the hormonal transitions that occurred when they left the womb. Infantile acne generally clears up on its own in a few weeks and is not a source of great concern. However teen and adult acne can be a source of great discomfort and embarrassment. So, how to get rid of acne? Most of the time, acne can be cleared up by taking care to wash away skin oils at regular intervals. However, more severe cases may require a medical cure.

Acne has a number of causes, including the overproduction of sebum, which is an oily substance secreted by the skin. Another cause of acne is bacterial infection of the hair follicles. Typical acne treatments to get rid of the acne seek to reduce either bacterial levels or the concentration of skin oils.

Many over the counter acne treatments are either astringents or exfoliating agents. These products work to remove the microscopic top layer of skin and kill off some of the acne causing bacteria. Exfoliating agents and astringents have not been proven to be very effective in the treatment of acne, though occasional exfoliation is beneficial to skin health.

More successful over the counter acne treatments involve the use of topical antibiotics such as Benzoyl peroxide. These treatments, typically in topical cream form, directly kill the bacteria that cause acne. These topical antibiotics kill the bacteria using oxidation, so it is impossible for bacterial to develop resistance. Caution should be taken when using oxidizing antibacterial treatments since they can also bleach clothing and fabric.

Other treatments to get rid of the acne include taking oral antibiotics to kill acne causing bacteria. Another medical treatment is to take medications that reduce the production of facial sebum.

Disclaimer: All content within this articles is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health.

John Ward
Discover the Free Report called 5 Myths Of Acne!

This report won't be available forever.
Go Now to:

giovedì 21 febbraio 2008

Hotels in Dehradun

Hotel Great Value, is an enclave of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of Uttaranchal's Capital. Here, culture, mystique and hospitality blends with modern facilities and services to give Dehradun one of the finest hotels of the city. Hotel Great Value combines state-of-the-art technology with tasteful décor to create a haven for the guests, welcoming both business and leisure travellers with warm graciousness.
Great Value Hotels is an associate of Clarks Group of Hotels, having a chain of Five Star properties located at Lucknow, Agra, Jaipur, Varanasi and Khajuraho, each one a Jewel in the Crown. The hotel sets internationals standard of hospitality and comforts.

Hotel Great Value, one of leading dehradun hotels caters to the specialised needs of the discerning business and leisure traveller.

The Hotel has been host to a distinguished client profile and our endeavour is to strive for excellence. Hotel Great Value continues to remain a house of tradition and hospitality, where personal care is the hallmark of service. Hotel Great Value is one of the leading names in Uttaranchal Hotels properties as well as hotels in dehradun.

The salient features of its accommodation are:
Deluxe Suite Rooms:-
Well appointed sitting room and spacious bedroom equipped with modern amenities. Broad band Internet facility; Writing desk; Fully stocked Mini bar; multi channel cable TV in bedroom and sitting room; 3 Telephones; Direct dialing ISD/ STD; Deluxe Toiletries in large modern bathroom.
Deluxe Rooms:-
Well appointed double room equipped with modern amenities. Broad band Internet facility; multi channel cable TV ; 2 Telephones; Direct dialing ISD/ STD; Mini fridge Deluxe Toiletries in modern bathroom.
Standard Rooms:-

Well appointed twin bedded rooms mostly equipped with modern amenities. Cable colour TV ; Direct dialing ISD/ STD; modern bathroom.

Cross-cultural Personal Relationships

Marrying even within your own culture can be a challenging experience. Once you get past the wedding day and the romance you are left with the everyday task of loving somebody who is not like you. Differences can be a source of inspiration or conflict.

But what are the challenges of marry into another culture?

A desire to understand another?s culture will not prevent conflict. You have your own cultural beliefs that you bring to a relationship and you will in the first instance use that framework to judge a person or situation. However it is important to gather as much information about your partner?s culture as you can. For example their rituals, their religious beliefs, the role of extended family in your partner?s life and how much autonomy does your partner have in making decisions for their life. People in the West have a great deal of independence from their extended families. Those in the East value close family relationships. This will impact on your relationship.

Do not assume your partner is going to change with gentle persuasion from you. This is probably a mistake people make generally in relationships. People need to be accepted for themselves and if you need to change somebody to ensure you can have a relationship with them, it begs the question why choose the person in the first place. That?s not to say that change will not occur as you spend more time getting to know someone and what they want in the relationship. Trying to change someone?s cultural tendencies will create more unnecessary conflict.

There are many situations that arise in life that call for us to draw on `common-sense` ways to deal with them. That common-sense is made up of our past experience, our habits, our value systems and our taken for granted ways of how to react to things that happen in our life even small things. Remember you and your partner do not possess the same common-sense view of the world. In some situations like how to eat food correctly or what to do in a temple, choosing the ?when in Rome? approach can save a lot of unnecessary conflict. But there are some things that are not so easy to solve by using this approach especially if they call into question fundamental values and beliefs. Again just because you choose to live in your partner?s country does not mean you have to compromise who you are.

The answer to all of the above conundrums and potential areas of conflict is to communicate. Be prepared to talk about issues in your relationship particularly in the `getting to know you stage`. Then make a commitment to communicate throughout your relationship. Never make assumptions, particularly in a cross-cultural relationship.

Discuss issues like how much free time is normal in a relationship. Discuss your finances and whether both of you are going to work. How will you raise children? Where are you going to live and will there be the enough job opportunities for whoever is going to work.
Communication is the secret to avoiding unnecessary conflict and to resolving conflict should it arise. Some cultures are more adept at direct communication than others. Nevertheless without some degree of commitment to discussing issues being made, your chances of a successful relationship become less and less.
Are you thinking of marrying a Filipino lady? Filipina girls are renowned for the reason that their exquisiteness. Filipinas stand out amid Asian women in terms of charm as well as femininity. Filipino women are naturally romantic, loving along with caring. They are not just striking women but a pleasure to be with. They have many charming qualities you cleanly find in ladies of the western world.
You will on no account catch a good Filipina lie, cheat, or steal - it will bring shame upon her along with her family. Filipino women put family first before wealth. To the Filipina, her family will ceaselessly remain a serious priority. The Filipina women are more willing to sacrifice a career than a family. Even though they do not all look like Filipina models or Asian models, there is very much to admire about these exotic, very charming, and Sexy Filipina women.
One practical way a couple can find out if they want to enter into a cross-cultural marriage is for either partner to seek a fiancee visa. A period of time in your partner?s country will allow you the space to really get to know your partner and their culture and will provide sufficient information for you to choose whether you want to marry your partner.

mercoledì 20 febbraio 2008

Custom Essay

A custom essay is an essay written adapted to a specific need, about a specified subject, for a particular class. A custom essay is, in fact, a made-to-order essay- hence, the word "custom," as in a customized essay.

Custom essay is not just one or two-paged essay about ponies or rainbows or the destruction of the ozone layer. The term "essay" in the word "custom essay" is misleading. Custom essays vary: they can be book reports, term papers, dissertations, course works, or research papers. But they are essays in the strict format and formal sense.

A custom essay can be had with the click of a mouse. Essay questions are made available on the internet to those who really want and need it. School essay is supposedly written from scratch and purportedly composed by professional writers. All one has to do is give the specifics and the nitty-gritty that one wants to appear on the custom essay- the topic or subject matter, the font to be used and its size, the specific margin and the line spacing, the number of pages needed, the information that one wants to be found in one?s custom essay, and other details such as these. Sometimes, one does not even have to give any information other than that of the format and the topic and can just give free rein to the writer of the custom essay to fill in everything else. And, of course, one has to pay for the custom essay. Custom essays are not free.

Customizing essays are available when one wants it, and at the time one needs it. As the teacher has the power to set deadlines for his/her students? projects and assignments, so as one has the power to set a deadline for the "professional" writer to finish one's custom essay. A custom essay can be finished in as short a time as six hours, maybe even less, depending on the topic, the availability of a writer, the information given, and the payment, of course. The stricter and shorter the deadline, the more one has to usually pay for a custom essay. There are even those who provide a customer-care hotline or service for custom essay customers.

A custom essay and customizing essays developed because of teachers' seemingly insatiable requirement for such assignments given to students and, therefore, because of students' need to meet and complete these requirements- and their lack of priorities and their laziness to do so on their own. Since writing (and researching) is a necessity in the academic field and with the supposedly heavy load that students have to carry and the seemingly short time to unburden them with it, custom essays became popular. Students customizing essays as all they need to have is the money to come up with original papers. Who knows if there are countries that even have time to regulate such a supposedly illegal business such as custom essay writing? Custom essay has boomed because of the high demand for essays without effort.

How to find a persuasive essay topic?

Persuasive essay topics are hard to come by. In fact one of the major problems that students face today is coming up with a topic for their assignments?be it a term paper, an academic research paper or a college drama essay. Once you decide on a topic, you can take it on from there. But it is this decision which is the most difficult to arrive at. Listed below are some of the essay topics that you can consider:

General Topics
1. The use of fur in fashion industry
2. Capital punishment: Should it be stopped?
3. Raw Foodism: the latest fad, but how safe is it?
4. Should pets be kept on vegetarian/vegan diets to satisfy the owners' convictions?
5. The role of violence in media today
6. Globalization and its effects on the third world countries
7. Is the fashion industry promoting anorexia and other eating disorders?
8. The incidence of divorce and the opting out of marriages: what is your opinion?
9. Do we need armies to protect our countries?
10. Online gambling: what's your opinion?
11. Are wars necessary to bring peace?
12. Plagiarism: as a student what should you do to stop it?
13. ?Religion is the reason the world is breaking up into pieces?. Do you agree with the song writer?
14. Acquiring farming land for industrial purpose: Give your opinion.
15. Should usage of animals in scientific laboratories be banned?
16. Afghanistan, Iraq?Whither USA?
17. Is there anything called "bad literature"?
18. Was Freud a misogynist?

These are just some suggestions. Remember, you have to write the paper. Hence you have to decide on a topic which is appropriate for your assignment. Certain rules that you should always remember:
? Make sure you understand what your teacher has asked of you. Go over the assignment a few times so that no details escape you. Then make a list of topics that you think are appropriate for the assignment.
? Do not choose a topic that has already been discussed over and over again. Clichéd topics are no fun to write or read. However, if you think you can add a new dimension to the whole argument and present it in a radically different way, then it is worth considering. It is best to give your own, unique, original opinion, especially in expository essay This will make your paper inventive and interesting. Also, never adopt a middle path. Always try to speak either for or against the topic.
? Always choose a topic that you know enough about. The topic should also interest you, provoke your thoughts and encourage you to research and find out more. Do not choose a topic just because it sounds interesting. You should be comfortable with it to be able to write well.
? For a persuasive essay to be successful, it should not go on for pages and pages. Your teachers are also human and hence subject to boredom. No matter how much you know or have researched curb your desire to write out a thesis essay! Similarly, do not write something that is very small. The work should reflect your knowledge about the topic. Choose the middle path and make your paper of moderate length.

So good luck and happy writing!

martedì 19 febbraio 2008

What is a process essay?

A process essay is an essay which serves as an algorithm, that is, a step by step description of a process. While writing a process essay, some basic facts need to be considered like who is the target reader and what skills does the target reader need to possess. These are two very important steps because on these depend the entire language of the essay and the details which will make sense and which are not unnecessary.
While writing a process essay, it will sometimes be that some steps need to be repeated. In such cases, instead of writing the same instruction twice one can adopt another method. One can write all the steps in a point format like

Step 1: Do A
Step 2: Do B
Step 3: If C happens, then repeat step 1 and then go on to step 4. Otherwise, directly go to step 4
Step 4: Do D

A process essay can also be accompanied by a diagram showing the direction of movement between the different steps. Sometimes, that is more complicated and sometimes it is easier. One needs to have a target audience in mind before embarking on any process essay and whether accompanying diagrams will help the purpose or make the matter more complicated depends on the target audience that one has in mind.
A five paragraph essay can be written for almost any activity, whether human or mechanic. For instance, a process essay can be written for recipes, for installing a software or hardware, for setting up a piece of machinery such as a TV or a washing machine and operating them, for origami, for learning how to throw a boomerang, for assembling a toy or a bed, for washing clothes, for taking care of specially formulated flowers, etc.
As can be seen, a personal experience essay can be used to describe almost any activity and thus everyone can read. However an essay written to teach HTML programming will not make much sense to those who know little about computers. Thus, every process essay needs to take into account that the target reader possesses some skills and thus while some things need to be explained, others do not.
The length of a process essay depends on the process. If the essay is an algorithm of a complicated computer program, it can run to hundreds of pages. If the process essay is about a simple recipe, it may perhaps be of about 300 words in length. Thus, the length of process essays is variable. Some essays such as German essay can also be the size of a book. Books such as ?teach yourself how to play the guitar? can also be described as long process essays.
It is important to revise a process essay thoroughly. There should be no inaccuracies and if any step not done accurately can lead to serious damage to the process or to the person carrying out that process, then such hazards should also be clearly mentioned next to those steps.

What is a reflective essay?

A reflective essay is a very broad term. Any essay is ultimately in a way reflective. Whether one is writing an argumentative essay, an academic essay or a research essay, a photo essay or a contemplative essay or even a blog post essay, it is ultimately a reflective essay. However, a reflective essay is more specifically used to denote essays written as a recapitulative exercise. Such essays can be academic essays written after the end of a course or after the end of modules in a course in order to reflect on certain portions of the curriculum that have been taught. A reflective essay can also be essays written by employees after the end of modules of work where they have to look back at the work they did and present their thoughts on the work experience, the project and the fellow workers among other things.
In a reflective essay of any kind, one needs to think primarily about one?s experiences and beliefs. It is this thinking that should come through in the reflective essay. The essay is supposed to reflect the thoughts of the writer on a particular subject. A high school essay can be of varying length. What it demands primarily is looking back at something from the point of view of the writer. This demands for a certain degree of both objectivity as well as subjectivity. A writer must not write only about her or his experience in the process but also include some material about the work in general without the reflection being coloured or influenced by her or his experience.
A reflective essay when it is not part of an academic exercise or written as part of the review of a process by an employee, is often tinted with nostalgia. Since a reflective essay entails looking back at the past, the reflective essay is replete with no longer present memories of the past. Such essays are intensely personal and subjective as opposed to academic essays or employee essays which are written as part of one?s work and are more objective and have less to do with personal emotions.
A reflective essay is therefore a label used to denote two major types of essays. The objective, impersonal, history essay can be an argumentative, critical essay, an academic essay or an essay written by employees after the end of a module of work. Such essays tend to be similar irrespective of who writes if all of them write about the same work. The subjective, personal, reflective essay is a contemplative essay and is too varied to be divided into subcategories. Such essays tend to be different for every different writer but each writer tends to repeat a lot of material in a lot of contexts and in a lot of reflective essays. These are the differences between the two major types of reflective essays and present the two major strains of reflective essays. In total, they form one of the most basic characteristics of all essays.

Where to find a sample essay and how to use it?

A sample essay can be found in several places. Many books offer samples of essays. Books which deal with how to write essays have some samples always. There are books as well which only have a collection of essays. The internet is a major source for finding sample essay.

Basic web searches with the topic of the essay being put within quotes throws up a lot of sites have essays on that topic or featuring those words. Then there are essay writing services and sites which offer customised essays. Such sites offer ready made essays which can be submitted to the school or college. Unlike the other sources, these sites charge money for their services as these essays can be used without any modifications.
 Sample essays can be found on almost any topic. There are sample essays which on personal statements that one has to submit to colleges during the application process, sample essays on course assignments and even contest essay. These course assignment essays are on almost all subjects ? literature, history, medicine, physics, chemistry, computers, geography, statistics, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, physical education, accounts, commerce, law, art history, film studies, women?s studies, engineering, library science, etc.

Sample essays (unlike customised essays which can be used as they are) cannot be submitted as they are. If one is procuring the essay from the internet, then the assessor or examiner can do a simple search on the internet and find the essay. Then the student will be accused of plagiarism and penalised. Therefore such essays are to be taken as a model. One can either take ideas from it and write the essay in one?s own words or one can change the words of that essay and rewrite it in one?s own words so that there is no longer any remarkable similarity between the two essays. The way to go about it is to make sure that no four words are exactly the same in both the essays.

Sample essays can sometimes be just read in order to figure out what is required of a topic. For examples, the critical essay topic can be puzzling or ambiguous. Reading sample essays can give an idea as to what is required of the topic and then one can write one's own essay.
 Another way of using samples as models is by citing them both in the bibliography as well as within the essay. However, most users of sample essays rarely follow this method as it is too close to the essay being submitted.

A sample essay can be ordered through several essay writing web sites. These web sites provide unique essays which means that no copy of that essay will be found on the net or in print. The price of these customised unique essays is quite high though. However, sample essays have existed since the beginning of the form of the essay with Montaigne and Bacon. Great essay writers of the past have followed earlier examples. The difference lies though between the words 'following' and 'copying'.

venerdì 15 febbraio 2008

Rummikub game

Rummikub is a classic and very popular game which combines player skills and luck. This fast moving game provides hours of fascinating play that brings many families and friends together. Rummikub is a unique game that brings together some of the most popular features of a number of well-known games such as Mahjongg, Dominoes, Gin Rummy, Kaluki and even chess. Rummikub is a game that holds the attention of the people playing stimulates your imagination and challenges your wits, all while having a great time playing it.

Rummikub is an international game that was conceived about 70 years ago, but has gained in popularity all over the world. Now it has become quite a classic game, with people continuing to buy it and play it on the regular board version or play Rummikub Online. The appeal of the game makes it contagious among "newbie's" and almost addictive to the people who play Rummikub all the time.

There are three basic games that can be played with the Rummikub set. This variety means that the whole family can play Rummikub, either to teach the children one of the basic variations, or you can play amongst adults to really challenge your intellect. The easiest of the three games can be learned within just a few minutes, and will eventually lead the way into the more intriguing and complex versions. One of the best things about the Rummikub game is that you can tailor any game to meet the needs of the people playing it. That means you can play with 2 people or 5 people, it doesn't matter which because you can set your own table rules, as long as everyone agrees to them in advance.

Rummikub rules is played with tiles which are arranged and rearranged on racks and on the table to for winning combinations. The tiles are made of special plastic composition that makes them unbreakable and impossible to "mark" making this game completely cheat proof. They are heavy, making it a popular outdoor game because they will not blow away on a breezy day. You can play on a picnic table, at the beach, or even on a boat, which is just one of the many reasons this game has become as popular as it has.

domenica 10 febbraio 2008

Curious or Confused about Home Theater Technology?

It sure seems like a lot of people are getting into high definition television these days. And not only HDTV -- but also home theater systems with digital surround sound from an array of home theater speakers. Perhaps you?ve seen a big wide-screen TV or an even bigger home theater projector at a friend?s house or in the stores and would like have one for your own home but don?t quite know how to go about it. There are indeed a lot of choices when it comes to home theater systems and a lot of often confusing terms and formats to comprehend.

If you're thinking about getting into the home theater scene but don't know where to start you may want to check out where there is a lot of useful information for home theater beginners. Home Theater Systems Advice is a site created by Phil Taylor who is a 29 year veteran professional of audio-video systems and television production. Geared toward "newbies", Phil offers no-nonsense straightforward advice for home theater beginners as well as useful info for experienced HT enthusiasts.

Currently entering its third year on the ?www?, Home Theater Systems Advice has helped many thousands of the home theater curious crowd learn how to select, integrate and install their home theater components and even offers advice on home theater seating. If you're looking for some sound advice about home theater systems stop by Phil's informational site for some food for thought.

Free Ringtones - real music MP3 ringtones for your cell phone

Download thousands of free ringtones today, without having to pay a single red cent. There are many sites that advertise free ringtones, however, there are a very few, handful, that actually deliver. Most of the sites out there try to get your mobile phone number or your email. Then later you start seeing charges. Then there are sites out there that make you use the internet on your phone. Don't mind me wrong, these sites of course do have great tones, but whats the point of sending them to you through wap and making you download on your phone itself? That means you use the data plan with your cell phone provider, for which you get charged. So how are those ringtones free then? Well you got it, they are not free!

However, there is one site out there that does have free ringtones and that is Reckon they are as addicted to ringtones as we are. Especially free ringtones. Do yourself a favor use your USB Data-cable that came with your phone and if you don't have one get one. Its not that expensive at all. Or use the bluetooth on your computer to transfer ringtones that you download for free from Ringaholic to your phone. It couldn't be simpler than that!

They have all the latest and hottest ringtones that you can ever imagine. They have truetones ringtones for HipHop/Rap, Rock, Pop, Christian, Country and Soundtrack Themes. They have all the best ones like Justin Timberlake ringtones, Timbaland ringtones, Britney Spears ringtones, Flo-Rida ringtones, Beyonce ringtones, Outkast ringtones, Chris Brown ringtones, Christina Aguilera ringtones, Real Music Ringtones, Voice Tones, True Tones, or Mp3 Ringtones. These Music Ringtones can provide a much better sound, even matching vocals, instruments and voices of a favorite artist to what you may hear from a CD or mp-3

When you need a ringtone, go to the site that?s got the game and the name: Cause they are addicted to ringtones more than you!

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sabato 9 febbraio 2008

Choices for the Beginner at Surfing

There is a number of surfboard design and substance choices that a beginner to surfing will want to choose from.

The first is the Custom Surfboard which is constructed with polyurethane-foam boards, which are then handcrafted to shape, sealed in fiberglass cloth, polyester, and epoxy. They can be made to nearly any specification, and also painted to nearly anything you would want. They are lightweight, but also easily damaged. These are of the most expensive surfboards found, and can last a long time if taken care of.

The next is the Soft Surfboard, which have partially rigid foam inside covered with a foam exterior. They are great for beginner and don?t hurt badly if you get hit with one. They are a lot more limited in sizes and looks from the custom surfboard. They are easy to ride, and aren?t as easily damaged.

Finally, there is the Molded Surfboard, as their name suggests, their material is shaped in a mold and hardened. They are heavier than a custom surfboard, and the cheapest. They are tough, and decent for surfboarding upwards to intermediate skills.

For the beginner, not all boards are as useful. What you will want to consider is price, but also you will want to be sure that the surfboard you purchase is about 18 inches longer than you are tall, as well as at least 19 inches wide at its widest point, and at least 2.5? thick. It will need to catch waves easily for you, and when you are on it, should float stable.

You may want to consider used surfboards, and that?s ok to. There are a few things to look for and avoid however. Among these are unfixed dings, foam discoloration, and even separation of the inner material from the glass or epoxy on the outside. These are signs that water has gotten into the inside of the surfboard. You will want to avoid these. Make sure it?s fins are not loose, and that the leash plug is well in place. You won?t find a perfect surfboard used.

Taking care of your surfboard is also important. Never leave it baking in the sunlight, or locked in hot places. This may cause their materials to separate, discolor them, and make them wear out much faster.

One final important aspect in your surfboard purchases is the surfboard leash. One end attaches to the back of your surfboard, and the other to your ankle. Along with riding waves, your surfboard is also a personal floatation device. If you wipe out and it gets away from you, you could be left with a long swim. Another aspect is that it keeps your board closer and prevents it from flying out at others nearby, possibly injuring them. Some surfboards are fairly heavy.

Leashes are made from elastics and similar. The minimum length should be about 6 feet. You will want it fitted with a rail saver as well. Too short will keep the board where it could easily hit you on the rebound, whereas too long could keep it where you can?t get back to the board so easily, and others can run into it. Always replace your surfboard leash when it?s worn.

Ski Club Privileges

No matter where you live, there is a ski club near you. This is true even if you live in a place that does not ever get snowfall! These clubs regularly get together for trips to various mountains, ski areas, and ski resorts. Some are local clubs, meaning that the slopes that they ski on are within driving distance, while others are more national or global, which means that they not only ski locally, if possible, but they also plan ski trips.

There are many different types of clubs throughout the world. In fact, there is a club or organization for just about everything that you can imagine! Skiing is no exception. Ski clubs are a great way to learn new things, and to go on ski vacations with other members. In fact, ski club members often get discounted rates on ski vacation packages.

Arrangements are usually made through the club, so that everyone is eligible for the discounts. The money that is required from each member for the trip is usually paid to the club, and the club passes the funds onto pay for lodging, airfare, meals, lift tickets, and other perks that are included in the trip. Because arrangements are being made for a group of people ? which is usually fairly large ? discounts are given. This benefits all members of the club.

The discounts aren?t the only thing to be excited about. These clubs get together regularly ? even if they aren?t getting together to ski. They join together for other activities as well, such as cookouts and fundraisers. Many ski clubs do annual fundraisers to help less fortunate families and children at Christmas time. Others do annual fundraisers to help preserve the environment ? which is usually a topic of great importance to skiers who love being out in the wide-open spaces and fresh air.

While skiing is what brings these groups together in the first place, it is not necessarily what keeps them together. Their love of a common sport, and their common interests and feeling of community is what keeps them together ? and it keeps them skiing together for years and years. If you are a skier, you should definitely consider joining a club. It doesn?t matter ? in most cases ? what level you are at. Beginners are usually welcomed, and this is a great way for beginners to quickly improve their skills and techniques out on the slopes.

The advantages that these clubs offer are tremendous. Aside from meeting people with common interests and the discount privileges that go along with it, the resources that a club can offer in terms of finding the perfect vacation spot are wide ranging. Because of past experience of other members, you can get a fair review and good advice as to which spot would perfect for your ski vacation.


What is 15 minutes in a day? About the time it may take to fill your vehicle with gas? Call a friend or relative and say hi? Order a pizza from your favorite pizza joint (after the ?please hold?)? Did you know there is a way to improve your health in the same amount of time? Researchers have shown that 15 minutes of laughter a day can have about the same benefits as a typical workout. It helps your blood flow which helps your heart. It also helps your immune system function better.

All our lives we have heard ?laughter is the best medicine.? And while we have always known that applies, there is also medical proof to back it. Imagine receiving a prescription at your physicians that is a list of comedies from the video store, and joke books from the book store. They would seem funny pharmacists wouldn?t you agree? Studies have shown that humor and laughter affect the body in many good ways that they didn?t know at one time. Some of the benefits are lower blood pressure, reduced stress (that has many positive effects), and even helps your immune system fight off pain and infection more effectively. Maybe it?s time for this free drug to hit the market on a larger scale. It could start an epidemic of happy people, and likely better health as a direct consequence. Great idea, wouldn?t you agree?

Considering the boost to the immune system, as well a better state of mind, why aren?t more people tuned towards more laughter? Quite possibly because they know a little about it, but assume it?s too good to be true. How could something fun be good? Instead of questioning, maybe it?s time just to try adding some laughter to our lives and see if we realize its great side-effects for ourselves? Maybe we need to go to these strange pharmacists too.

Some signs of it already applied are clown pictures at hospitals (if not the real clown). Have you noticed how well children react to this sort and remember many happy times as a result? It comforts them, and puts smiles on their face. Maybe that is part of the reason they often heal faster. They get this happiness at the circus, birthday parties, in their rooms, and beyond. It helps them to have less stress most of the time. There?s always the doctor starting out with a little joke too that make them smile even harder.

Of course you can?t replace eating and daily exercise completely with laughing, however 15 minutes of laughter a day can complement them nicely. It?s wise to get some comedy in your video library, and in your TV watching, some comedy stations as well. Your heart will benefit greatly from it. Things that make you laugh can be a win-win situation in life. You can get additional boosts by giving some suggestions for gifts in the humor area. As in when someone asks what you want for your birthday, Christmas, mother?s day, father?s day, cousin?s day, any other day. A good funny movie or book, or even something to put on your wall that is funny. Things that bring good laughs will also make your heart happier.

Laughter boosts your well being. While it isn?t the end for great health single handedly, it will supplement it nicely. It is necessary along with good exercise in diet for well balanced health. Haven?t you noticed that healthy people are pretty much happy people as well? Along with their humor and self-worth as they are happier, and usually have a great sense of humor to go with it all, they seem to have a natural knack for handling adversity and stress in general. That is at the roots of it all. Dealing with the stress effects everything else including the blood, blood pressure, and other benefits. So what do you say? Does ?15 minutes of laughter a day keeps the doctor away?, fit maybe? Have you already felt this in your own life? When you laugh, your heart laughs with you. Lighten up and enjoy this new information. Laugh, be happy, and same to your heart.

venerdì 8 febbraio 2008

How to be Funny

Humor has got to be one of the hardest things to give advice about. So this article isn't going to be a be-all-and-end-all guide on how to be funny. The best I can do is reflect on my own experiences and try to pull some lessons from them.

I can be a pretty funny guy. I'm never going to become a famous comedian, but if I'm hanging around someone who likes my sense of humor I can have them laughing a lot of the time. I think a lot of people fall into this category. But I've also probably lost a few points over the years by joking around at the wrong time or in the wrong way.

This article is about coming up with spontaneous humor in social situations. The most accurate term for it is probably to learn how to be witty.

So here are my thoughts on being funny. One overall theme here is that humor can be a double-edged sword. If you use it properly you can gain a lot. But misusing it will set you back. I also focus on the idea that humor, especially spontaneous humor, isn't so much consciously created as it just pops into your head fully formed.

Being funny is definitely a good thing. It makes you more fun to be around, and it allows you to inject amusement into otherwise ho-hum situations. Sitting around on a Sunday afternoon watching bad television is pretty boring, but if your hilarious friend is there cracking jokes about the shows the whole time, it's a decent way to pass the time.

But you don't have to be funny. If being funny isn't your thing there are many other ways to give people a reason for wanting to spend time in your company. I've met many guys who weren't all that funny, but who were still way cooler than me overall.

I first really got this concept when I became friends with a guy who admitted it was hard to make him laugh. Being funny wasn't an option with with him so I had to be a good, solid friend to him through other means.

Being around people who are funnier than you often has the result of making your own jokes fall flat in comparison. Usually the right things to do here is to let the other person have their moment and resort to another way of interacting with people.

Sometimes I fall into the trap of joking around too much. Of course everyone knows there's too much of a good thing. The guy who's always 'on' gets tiresome pretty quickly. People also take you less seriously if all you can seem to do is kid around. But getting a laugh from someone seems like such a good thing. They're entertained and you get the validation. It's tempting to try and keep that going for as long as you can. You may even pressure yourself to always be a great comedian. No need for that.

I also know on paper that making one good joke an hour is better than making one good joke and ten bad ones in the same amount of time, but I've failed to follow this advice many times.

Another point is that someone can laugh at something but still not like it overall. I remember bugging my parents to watch The Simpsons with me when I was younger. They'd laugh at individual gags, but obviously weren't fans of the show. You can probably think of a sitcom you don't like but will still laugh at if you ever have to watch it. People may laugh at certain antics or corny jokes in spite of themselves, but they'd really prefer not to hear them.

I think that someone's sense of humor is at least partially connected to their personality and their world view. An overly serious, uptight person isn't going to have much of a sense of humor. Someone who's more laid back and sees the absurdity in life will probably be more funny. A cynical, cerebral person will probably have a more cynical, cerebral sense of humor. A loud, obnoxious guy will probably have a more loud, obnoxious sense of humor. Most people probably understand this instinctively.

You can sometimes improve your sense of humor by adjusting your personality and the way you see things. If you're too pessimistic or anal about the world you may find you become funnier if you lighten up.

But all that applies only to a point. Just because you tell a sick or offensive joke doesn't automatically mean you're a budding child molester or KKK member. I think most people understand this as well.

Where you can run into trouble is that people will assume your sense of humor reveals what you're really like on some level. If you have an overly weird sense of humor after a while people will think you really are weird. If you're always making jokes about dark or shocking topics people can't help but wonder about you after a while. The same goes for random, immature, or socially thoughtless jokes. Look at any comedian whose material relies on using a crazy or neurotic persona. You can't help but think they're really like that to some degree.

What gets you a laugh in the short-term may be hurting you in the long-run if it affects the way people see you for the worse. At various times I've been stung with the 'weird', 'sick', and 'overly cynical' labels, all because of the way I joked around with certain people. They'd laugh at the time, but weeks later they'd make a quip like, "Man, you're crazy. I worry about you sometimes..." Be aware of what impression your jokes are making on other people and adjust them accordingly if necessary.

Humor takes part in the larger realm of conversation and social skills. People will judge your proficiency in these areas by how they show through in your humor. If you consistently make jokes at inappropriate times, or don't consider your audience, or interrupt other people to tell them, then you'll be seen as socially clueless. But as your social skills improve, your humor will get sharper as well.

Every time I make a really witty comment it never feels like a consciously crafted it. It's more like they just pop into my head in response to a certain stimulus. Like conversation, humor often just flows out of who you are as a person. If you get the 'humor generator' in good shape then it will produce good output on it's own.

This also means it usually doesn't work out when you try to force humor. I think everyone's had the experience of trying too hard to be funny and coming up with a lame, corny line that ultimately bombs. If a C-list comedian is a guest on a talk show you can often see this in action. They try to make everything that comes out of their mouth funny, but it just comes across as annoying.

You can't always be funny. Sometimes there isn't enough 'raw material' to trigger your unconscious into coming up with a hilarious line. It's better to hold back and wait for a moment when you really have something clever to say.

Have you ever been ready to speak a joke and there's a little voice, sometimes just a feeling, in your head that's saying, "Don't say that, it's really not that funny"? When you ignore that little voice you usually find that it was right the hard way. Learn to trust your instincts in these situations. You don't always get that little nagging voice, so if you do hear it, it's there for a reason.

One time my buddy and I were hanging around some guys we had just met. One of them turned out to be hilarious and had us all laughing for hours straight. He had a unique, sort of absurd sense of humor. Over the next few days my friend tried to copy the guy's way of joking around. Sometimes he would repeat exact jokes. At other times he'd try to come up with his own observations in the same style. It never really worked out. He was saying certain lines that were only funny in the context they were originally said in. Or he just wasn't as skillful in coming up with those types of jokes on his own. The thing was he was a very cool guy on his own. He had no reason to be a poor imitation of someone else.

If someone makes you laugh, or you see them making other people laugh, it can be tempting to try and steal their sense of humor for yourself. It usually doesn't work. It's forced and unnatural. There are a million ways to be funny so it's best to stick with your own practiced style.

Jobs can bring different types of people together. A few times I've been in a situation where I was working with a guy from a different 'scene' and background as me. He would try to joke around but I just didn't get his sense of humor. It went totally over my head. My mind went blank and I had nothing to say to him after each joke. I mean what can you say to something that's for all-intents-and-purposes meaningless speech to you? There's something about that that really kills rapport between people. It gives you a strong feeling of having nothing in common with the other person, and hence nothing to say to them. I guess the lesson is that if you're joking around with someone and you see that they aren't getting it, to shift gears and try to connect with them in another way.

The opposite happens when your sense of humor just clicks with someone else's. You skip all the getting to know you stuff and jump straight into being buddy buddy. So it never hurts to try joking around with someone a little at first. If it works great, but if not then drop it.

If people don't laugh, seem annoyed, or seem like they're just humoring you then put the feedback to good use. The joke may not be as funny as your think. If it seems no one ever 'gets' your dry, ironic sense of humor, then maybe you need to go back to the drawing board. If you always seem to offend people then maybe you should show more restraint with your material. Think of people's responses as a way to polish your rough edges.

If you know you made a bad joke you can often recover by making a quick comment about how much it sucked. Sometimes the comment can be funny. You can also just laugh it off and admit, "Yeah, that one was pretty lame wasn't it?"

Well it's the best way as far as I can figure. Since I believe a lot of humor just pops into your head, the best thing you can do is load up your unconscious with a lot of material to work with. Watch funny movies and t.v. shows. Read funny sites and books. Watch funny clips on the internet. Hang around funny people. Expose yourself to different styles of humor.

Some of it will stick and come out later. Maybe you'll repeat a funny line you heard. Or a certain writer will have changed the way you look at particular things. Or you'll learn a new way of delivering a joke from a comedian. You may learn a novel way to handle certain scenarios. It'll all be floating around in your head when the right situation will come up. Your brain will put the elements together and you'll come up with a killer line.

If you want to dance well at a club, learning specific partner dances or complex choreographed routines will help you to a point, but it won't directly translate. Learning stand-up comedy or improv affects your social wittiness in the same way.

Learning stand-up will improve your understanding of humor and help you craft a joke. But you come up with all the material ahead of time and then perform it. It's not the same as coming up with a clever and appropriate line on the spot in the middle of a conversation. I've known amateur stand-up comedians who weren't funny at all in real life. It wasn't that their jokes were lame, they were sober, serious guys and never even joked around that much.

Improv will help you think on your feet, but the humor tends to be more physical, hyper, and silly, and focuses on acting out scenarios. When you're sitting around with your friends and bantering about work, it's not the same as pretending you're a robot stuck in a cheese factory with Batman.

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Here are a few examples:
1. Meet for a long companionship booking (10hrs+)
2. Meet to go out to a Wine bar, Casino, Nightclub, Theatre, Cinema or just for Dinner etc,
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How to Attract Women

Let us talk about how to attract women in this column. Humans attract one other for the oddest reasons. Traits one woman finds irritating or even repellent in a man will strike another as cute and endearing. Affection colors perception. The woman who loves you will judge you with loving eyes.

Think of your long nose or jutting ears as barriers to keep the "wrong" women away. Your warts are your very own. Yours. Part of your persona. Even if you were classically handsome, would you truly want women attracted only for that? The traits that are intrinsic to you, that set you apart, that make you unique are what you will be loved for and treasured. Find a woman who will value you for what you are, and she will be worthy of your love.

Learn the lesson here - to look past "skin-deep" appearance. This enlarges the pool of eligible women and improves your odds of finding the one to love... a woman who has likewise learned this.

A man does not insist on physical beauty in a woman who builds up his self-esteem. After a while he realizes that she is beautiful. He just hadn't noticed at first.

What physical traits attract women?

* Muscles
* Slimness
* Hair - facial and chest
* Cleanliness (deodorant & breath spray?)
* Grooming (taking care of yourself)
* Clothes (complementing your physique)
* Carriage and walk (proud bearing)
* Classic facial features
* Weather-beaten appearance (scars?)
* Coloring (blonde, dark... depends)
* All of the above
* None of the above

You might find it effective to cultivate a personal style, to become known by a "trademark". Custom-tailored clothes, boots, colorful accessories, a mustache or beard, and an unusual hairstyle can provide an outlet for your imagination in creating a distinctive "look" and emphasizing your best features. Originality wins extra points, so avoid the commonplace and the fashionable.
Wear an unusual pendant around your neck, perhaps an old coin hung on a chain, a heavy weathered brass or oxidized silver chain, not gold (garish and tasteless). You can find nice 1000-year-old Byzantine coins in the $20 - $50 range at a reputable coin dealer.

All this gives you an ego boost, gets women to notice you and possibly approach you to start a conversation. It will make a striking first impression. Note that attracting attention could have undesirable side effects. The technique is not without its perils, and may not be appropriate for everyone.

Now we come to the critical question. Just how significant are your looks, when it comes to attracting women?

Physical appearance means little.

How then can we explain the recent phenomenon of women requiring good looks, the masculine equivalent of "beauty", in their partners? Regrettably, even otherwise intelligent women occasionally succumb to the propaganda and blandishments of pop culture and its noxious offshoots. They fall prey to the same fallacy that many men have cherished for so long, that people are little more than commodities, consumables, and that physical beauty must therefore be the primary consideration in the choice of a mate. This fraudulent premise turns such women away from the many fine men with whom they might otherwise find happiness and fulfillment. It is the sad spectacle of the moth drawn toward the flame, spiraling slowly downward toward her doom. The last thing any self-respecting man needs is to be hooked up with one of these tragically deluded creatures.

What counts is interior image, how you see yourself, and consequently, how you carry yourself. Inner strength, confidence, pride... all this radiates out into the world, and effects how others see you.

You are an intelligent person. Recognize this. Wisdom, gleaned from painful experience, builds the judgment to make reasoned decisions. Knowledge and competence set you apart. Talents and skills, carefully nurtured, win respect from your peers... yet you avoid the trap of arrogance. Calm and controlled, exercise common sense, that most noble of virtues. You have attained maturity.

You are an honest person. Your source of inner strength is rock-solid integrity, an iron-clad sense of honor. Practice restraint and do not abuse your authority over others. Have a kind, generous heart and help those less fortunate. Value morality, but show compassion toward the weaknesses of others, and understand your own.

You are a shy person. Yet does not your very shyness set you apart, give you your own particular charm, exalt you? Shyness is your center, your power, your shield and armor. Wear it proudly. Glory in it.

Life is funny, and sometimes bizarre. Laugh at it, and at your own self. People who take themselves too seriously are pompous, and make spectacles of themselves. A sense of humor keeps things in perspective, preserves your sanity, and perchance might even entertain your friends and associates.

Let yourself be a thoughtful and caring person. As an attentive listener, you inspire trust in others, and they freely express their feelings in your presence. Your sensitivity gives you insight into their needs. Express your own feelings in an honest but restrained manner, and do not hide your vulnerability. Give and accept compliments. Help. Give comfort. Be a friend as well as a lover.

. . . the reason I please and mean so much to you is that I mirror your inner self, and something in me responds to your very being.
- Hesse, Steppenwolf.

Acquire the skill of translating your inner dialog. Share yourself with others. Speak what you mean, no more and no less. Practice writing, be it a whimsical piece of fiction, or a love letter. Expression is the art of communicating to others your thoughts and feelings, it is a tool and a weapon, and is something of a lost art in the modern age.

Cultivate and learn to trust your intuition. Most people can sense "kindred spirits" even across a crowded room filled with strangers. You find a woman in harmony and in tune with your feelings and beliefs at the exact time that she finds you, almost as if by magic. It is indeed a magic of sorts, a poorly understood ability we all share, if it has not been irrevocably damaged by skepticism and ridicule. It is is a "wild talent", an ability to feel out, sense, intuit, and know another person before even speaking a word to her. Note that this is separate and distinct from character judgment, an important learned skill that acts as a double-check and brake on intuition.

Confidence has at its foundation a sense of purpose. Calm, but single-minded, pursue your goals while respecting the needs and feelings of others. Firm, but not overbearing, inspire others to share your commitments. Forthright and plain spoken, radiate security.

Willingness to stand up for yourself and your beliefs gives the courage to dare, to take risks, though tempered with the wisdom to know when to step back from the brink. Be willing to speak your mind, but know when to hold your tongue. Overcome adversity, survive setbacks, learn from mistakes. Discipline and self-control give you the inner strength to endure. This is perceived as "character".

Be responsible. Keep your word. Always. Develop a reputation for consistency. Win trust by your reliability. Honor your commitments. Give loyalty when it is earned, and inspire it in others.

Stay open to new ideas. Be spontaneous, but reasoned. Accept challenges... judiciously. Smell the flowers. Appreciate a sunset.

Nurture the "little kid" in you, preserve the "boyishness" (women love this). Better to be a bit naive, than jaded and used up. Meet life's hardships head-on - don't let them grind you down, drown you in bitterness and cynicism, leave you broken and hollow.

Be a happy person, and show it. Communicate your joy in life. Have a smile ready for everyone (it can be a shy smile). Cherish mischief and laughter. Play.

Charisma and its common variants, "chemistry", animal magnetism, and just plain sexiness - those are the mysterious forces that haunt so much of human destiny. In truth, we are all blessed (or damned) with these qualities in various measure, yet in the normal course of events they remain hidden beneath the scars and hurts we wear, smothered by lack of self-confidence, obscured by the memory of past failures, masked by the roles our families and acquaintances force upon us. Learn to become your true self, to awaken to who you are and your role in life, to grow, to liberate the powers within - and discover that you, too, can develop the knack of attracting women.

A Mystery Explained

Why are so many women attracted to married men, obsessed by them? The married man has no need to "play games" or prove himself, thus he tends to be relaxed and confident in his dealings with the opposite sex. He wears the shining armor of his experience and exudes an aura of "forbidden fruit". His married state convincingly demonstrates that at least one woman finds him attractive, and this very fact makes him even more desirable in the eyes of many other women - it confirms their judgment that he is worth pursuing. He is unavailable, and his very inaccessibility makes him highly desirable. Truly a deadly combination.

What can the single guy learn from all this? Act married. You need not "play games" or prove yourself, and thus be relaxed and confident in your dealings with the opposite sex. Do not make yourself too accessible to the opposite sex; let women invest at least a little bit of effort to get near you. Above all, avoid the behavior patterns of being "on the prowl", radiating neediness and desperation. Panting after women, with your tongue literally hanging out, you play the fool. Staying detached, just a bit distant, cool - calm - collected, you project confidence and strength. Wear the shining armor of your very own experience and exude an aura of "forbidden fruit", of being the proud, sensitive, strong, and yes, desirable shy man.

Overcome your own appearance prejudices, stop rejecting possible partners because you judge them too fat, too old, too unattractive... Tolerance and compassion toward the "failings" of the woman you seek will help you find the one who will accept your own imperfections. Mutual acceptance is the key.

How to be Funny

Humor has got to be one of the hardest things to give advice about. So this article isn't going to be a be-all-and-end-all guide on . The best I can do is reflect on my own experiences and try to pull some lessons from them.

I can be a pretty funny guy. I'm never going to become a famous comedian, but if I'm hanging around someone who likes my sense of humor I can have them laughing a lot of the time. I think a lot of people fall into this category. But I've also probably lost a few points over the years by joking around at the wrong time or in the wrong way.

This article is about coming up with spontaneous humor in social situations. The most accurate term for it is probably to learn how to be witty.

So here are my thoughts on being funny. One overall theme here is that humor can be a double-edged sword. If you use it properly you can gain a lot. But misusing it will set you back. I also focus on the idea that humor, especially spontaneous humor, isn't so much consciously created as it just pops into your head fully formed.

Being funny is definitely a good thing. It makes you more fun to be around, and it allows you to inject amusement into otherwise ho-hum situations. Sitting around on a Sunday afternoon watching bad television is pretty boring, but if your hilarious friend is there cracking jokes about the shows the whole time, it's a decent way to pass the time.

But you don't have to be funny. If being funny isn't your thing there are many other ways to give people a reason for wanting to spend time in your company. I've met many guys who weren't all that funny, but who were still way cooler than me overall.

I first really got this concept when I became friends with a guy who admitted it was hard to make him laugh. Being funny wasn't an option with with him so I had to be a good, solid friend to him through other means.

Being around people who are funnier than you often has the result of making your own jokes fall flat in comparison. Usually the right things to do here is to let the other person have their moment and resort to another way of interacting with people.

Sometimes I fall into the trap of joking around too much. Of course everyone knows there's too much of a good thing. The guy who's always 'on' gets tiresome pretty quickly. People also take you less seriously if all you can seem to do is kid around. But getting a laugh from someone seems like such a good thing. They're entertained and you get the validation. It's tempting to try and keep that going for as long as you can. You may even pressure yourself to always be a great comedian. No need for that.

I also know on paper that making one good joke an hour is better than making one good joke and ten bad ones in the same amount of time, but I've failed to follow this advice many times.

Another point is that someone can laugh at something but still not like it overall. I remember bugging my parents to watch The Simpsons with me when I was younger. They'd laugh at individual gags, but obviously weren't fans of the show. You can probably think of a sitcom you don't like but will still laugh at if you ever have to watch it. People may laugh at certain antics or corny jokes in spite of themselves, but they'd really prefer not to hear them.
People assume your humor reflects what you're like as a person

I think that someone's sense of humor is at least partially connected to their personality and their world view. An overly serious, uptight person isn't going to have much of a sense of humor. Someone who's more laid back and sees the absurdity in life will probably be more funny. A cynical, cerebral person will probably have a more cynical, cerebral sense of humor. A loud, obnoxious guy will probably have a more loud, obnoxious sense of humor. Most people probably understand this instinctively.

You can sometimes improve your sense of humor by adjusting your personality and the way you see things. If you're too pessimistic or anal about the world you may find you become funnier if you lighten up.

But all that applies only to a point. Just because you tell a sick or offensive joke doesn't automatically mean you're a budding child molester or KKK member. I think most people understand this as well.

Where you can run into trouble is that people will assume your sense of humor reveals what you're really like on some level. If you have an overly weird sense of humor after a while people will think you really are weird. If you're always making jokes about dark or shocking topics people can't help but wonder about you after a while. The same goes for random, immature, or socially thoughtless jokes. Look at any comedian whose material relies on using a crazy or neurotic persona. You can't help but think they're really like that to some degree.

What gets you a laugh in the short-term may be hurting you in the long-run if it affects the way people see you for the worse. At various times I've been stung with the 'weird', 'sick', and 'overly cynical' labels, all because of the way I joked around with certain people. They'd laugh at the time, but weeks later they'd make a quip like, "Man, you're crazy. I worry about you sometimes..." Be aware of what impression your jokes are making on other people and adjust them accordingly if necessary.

Humor takes part in the larger realm of conversation and social skills. People will judge your proficiency in these areas by how they show through in your humor. If you consistently make jokes at inappropriate times, or don't consider your audience, or interrupt other people to tell them, then you'll be seen as socially clueless. But as your social skills improve, your humor will get sharper as well.

Every time I make a really witty comment it never feels like a consciously crafted it. It's more like they just pop into my head in response to a certain stimulus. Like conversation, humor often just flows out of who you are as a person. If you get the 'humor generator' in good shape then it will produce good output on it's own.

This also means it usually doesn't work out when you try to force humor. I think everyone's had the experience of trying too hard to be funny and coming up with a lame, corny line that ultimately bombs. If a C-list comedian is a guest on a talk show you can often see this in action. They try to make everything that comes out of their mouth funny, but it just comes across as annoying.

You can't always be funny. Sometimes there isn't enough 'raw material' to trigger your unconscious into coming up with a hilarious line. It's better to hold back and wait for a moment when you really have something clever to say.

Have you ever been ready to speak a joke and there's a little voice, sometimes just a feeling, in your head that's saying, "Don't say that, it's really not that funny"? When you ignore that little voice you usually find that it was right the hard way. Learn to trust your instincts in these situations. You don't always get that little nagging voice, so if you do hear it, it's there for a reason.

One time my buddy and I were hanging around some guys we had just met. One of them turned out to be hilarious and had us all laughing for hours straight. He had a unique, sort of absurd sense of humor. Over the next few days my friend tried to copy the guy's way of joking around. Sometimes he would repeat exact jokes. At other times he'd try to come up with his own observations in the same style. It never really worked out. He was saying certain lines that were only funny in the context they were originally said in. Or he just wasn't as skillful in coming up with those types of jokes on his own. The thing was he was a very cool guy on his own. He had no reason to be a poor imitation of someone else.

If someone makes you laugh, or you see them making other people laugh, it can be tempting to try and steal their sense of humor for yourself. It usually doesn't work. It's forced and unnatural. There are a million ways to be funny so it's best to stick with your own practiced style.

Jobs can bring different types of people together. A few times I've been in a situation where I was working with a guy from a different 'scene' and background as me. He would try to joke around but I just didn't get his sense of humor. It went totally over my head. My mind went blank and I had nothing to say to him after each joke. I mean what can you say to something that's for all-intents-and-purposes meaningless speech to you? There's something about that that really kills rapport between people. It gives you a strong feeling of having nothing in common with the other person, and hence nothing to say to them. I guess the lesson is that if you're joking around with someone and you see that they aren't getting it, to shift gears and try to connect with them in another way.

The opposite happens when your sense of humor just clicks with someone else's. You skip all the getting to know you stuff and jump straight into being buddy buddy. So it never hurts to try joking around with someone a little at first. If it works great, but if not then drop it.

If people don't laugh, seem annoyed, or seem like they're just humoring you then put the feedback to good use. The joke may not be as funny as your think. If it seems no one ever 'gets' your dry, ironic sense of humor, then maybe you need to go back to the drawing board. If you always seem to offend people then maybe you should show more restraint with your material. Think of people's responses as a way to polish your rough edges.

If you know you made a bad joke you can often recover by making a quick comment about how much it sucked. Sometimes the comment can be funny. You can also just laugh it off and admit, "Yeah, that one was pretty lame wasn't it?"
The best way to become funnier is to immerse yourself in funny things

Well it's the best way as far as I can figure. Since I believe a lot of humor just pops into your head, the best thing you can do is load up your unconscious with a lot of material to work with. Watch funny movies and t.v. shows. Read funny sites and books. Watch funny clips on the internet. Hang around funny people. Expose yourself to different styles of humor.

Some of it will stick and come out later. Maybe you'll repeat a funny line you heard. Or a certain writer will have changed the way you look at particular things. Or you'll learn a new way of delivering a joke from a comedian. You may learn a novel way to handle certain scenarios. It'll all be floating around in your head when the right situation will come up. Your brain will put the elements together and you'll come up with a killer line.

If you want to dance well at a club, learning specific partner dances or complex choreographed routines will help you to a point, but it won't directly translate. Learning stand-up comedy or improv affects your social wittiness in the same way.

Learning stand-up will improve your understanding of humor and help you craft a joke. But you come up with all the material ahead of time and then perform it. It's not the same as coming up with a clever and appropriate line on the spot in the middle of a conversation. I've known amateur stand-up comedians who weren't funny at all in real life. It wasn't that their jokes were lame, they were sober, serious guys and never even joked around that much.

Improv will help you think on your feet, but the humor tends to be more physical, hyper, and silly, and focuses on acting out scenarios. When you're sitting around with your friends and bantering about work, it's not the same as pretending you're a robot stuck in a cheese factory with Batman.