giovedì 10 gennaio 2008

Taser Guns – All about taser guns!

When it comes to protecting one's self from the dangers of present society, consumers haven't had a ton of recourse in the past. Now, all of that has changed, as taser guns are available that help people stay safe. There are many types of taser guns and each fit a certain need for different consumers. Some folks like to separate their preference by differentiating on the basis of size. Specifically, large taser guns have become popular for people who have want some extra power in their hands in the face of clear and present danger. Here are three of the most popular large taser guns on the market.
Robert Dziekanski, a forty-year old construction worker who was being sponsored by his mother to begin a new life in Canada, arrived at Vancouver International Airport on October 14th. He was unable to speak English, and the CBSA failed to provide a Polish interpreter. Apparently disoriented, Dziekanski somehow managed to slip through Canadian customs and wander lost in the halls of a secure area for approximately nine hours. When he tried to exit the area, a CBSA officer advised him on where he needed to proceed. Exhausted and incapable of understanding the officer's advice, Dziekanski then became emotionally distraught. What followed was documented in a video now seen by millions around the world.
Essential Taser AccessoriesIf you are interested buying a taser, here are a few essential accessories every taser owner should have on hand: Battery Systems, Holsters, Spare Catridges and cleaning kits.
Check for more Taser or Tazer related stuff as videos and product reviews.

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